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lundi 21 avril 2014

L'Havrais Vérité (The Truth In Le Havre France): Letter to Benoît Hamon Minister of National

L'Havrais Vérité (The Truth In Le Havre France): Letter to Benoît Hamon Minister of National Education: Yesterday the delegates parents who support Julie Amadis boycotted Academic Inspector Assistant in Valmy school !
They no longer want she in the National Education

Benoît Hamon will have to clarify his thinking:
corporal punishment against 3 and 4 years children, are they part of the educational secret arsenal he advises the use in kindergartens?
or else
The Minister will suspend and revoke the aggressors of children and their protectors (members of OMERTA76) threatening and terrorizing witnesses?

Monique BEAUR coming from the School Inspectorate of Rouen is an evil person.
Evil person against children - his job is to protect the aggressors of children and threaten witnesses of violence.
She must be revoked out of the National Education. With its chef Philippe Carrière.
Evil person against the fair Julie Amadis.
Monique Béaur announced to Julie Amadis her sanction for "writing to the rector" .... after 6 months of continued professionnal harassment lasted since the beginning of the year ... A harassment to terrorize witnesses of corporal punishment against 3 and 4 years.

Monique Béaur is an evil person.

The principal delegates Valmy school parents agree with that !
They refused to come to the convocation of this person.

Worse for her, for her director OMERTA76 chef, Philippe Carrière, even worse for the forger slanderer Serge Tillmann this new attempt of harassment against Julie Amadis and parents supporting her (harassment committed by OMERTA76 Patrick Clabaut and Brigitte Boniou)
Worse .... for all those thugs that protect perpetrators and aggressors of children in schools, the response Séverine Breton and Meddad Yazid was to write directly to the new Minister of National Education Benoît Hamon.

It will have to clarify his thinking: corporal punishment against children from 3 years and 4 are they part of the underground educational arsenal advises use in kindergartens?
or else
The Minister will he suspend and revoke aggressors of children and officials who protect these offender-es for years terrorizing witnesses?

The letter sent to the Minister of National Education
Mr. Minister,
We Séverine Breton and Yazid Meddad elected representatives of parents in the school council Valmy I ( Le Havre) we have boycotted the meeting to which we were called thursday, April 17, 2014 by Monique BEAUR the Deputy of the DASEN Rouen Philippe Carrière. He is the director of OMERTA76 a network who terrorize witnesses of violence to children in Seine -Maritime, France
We see this meeting as a non statuary fifth provocation.
And we urge you to act urgently to prohibit it unfolds.

This new provocation comes after four major provocations.
Provocation 1 : SANCTIONS
The first three penalties against the teacher who denounced the violence and anti- Roma racism (Disciplinary warning , inspection with forgery by person in authority, and the absurd bad record 3 /20)
It is unacceptable for parents to learn that it is the teachers who testify who are harassed and aggressors that are protected.

2 provocation: THREATS
Threats against us made by the director of the school Clabaut Patrick, against elected delegates parents, after our first leaflet distribution in favor of Mrs. Amadis . And that same day, his refusal to let the school board discuss sanctions against her.

The scandalous suspension signed by the DASEN March 28 but the school council of 28 March was not informed the parents .
The inspector of The Havre Serge Tillmann  are lying this timeline accusing us of lying. But the proof is on the blog " Just Eure " Severine Breton : we see indeed the signature of Mr. Carrière dated March 28 and not 31 like Mr Tillmann said.

4th Provocation : REUNION LIBELOUS and insulting organized by Mr TILLMANN to all parents of school
Defamation by the academy inspector The Havre Serge Tillmann . From breathtaking accusation against Ms. Amadis to be opponent Françafrique ( challenging the termination of Yazid Meddad .... until equally breathtaking imputations of anti-Semitism  . Some remarks in a public meeting that we don't will have certainly not he report. a report that will lead Mr Tillmann
directly to the courts. especially for this meeting there was two teachers who used a smartphone containing a false Facebook page attributed to the teacher insulted.

We expect you that this gang to stop to

terrorize the four witnesses of the four schools mentioned in the letter from Ms Amadis ...
Starting with the Rector of Rouen Claudine Schmidt Lainé, the Dasen Philippe Carrière , her assistant Monique BEAUR , AI du Havre Serge Tillmann and two NEI Deplanque Patrick and Olivier Basely both guilty of forgery in the exercise of function with the aggravating circumstance of their status.
All these people acting in an organized gang , together with the annexes and manufacturing false attributed to their victim, the witness violence.
We demand that the 7 schools where ds violence were committed between 2008 and 2014 ( non-exhaustive list of testimonials from spontaneous ) are subject to a thorough investigation of justice. School Varlin Percanville , Ancelot , Louis Blanc, Louise Michel , Raspail, and now Valmy where we gather evidence on the current violence : a child reported to her mother that there are
 " three classmates they " who are currently victims blows to the Valmy II school.

We require that witnesses be protected : municipal staff reported being terrorized by the idea of being recognized by their testimony. The problem also affects the municipality of Havre .

We do not intend to let this network of protection aggressors and aggressors children to profit that police boast they were beaten when they were young at school or police can explain that there is worse in some quarters that the blows to small children

We started investigating the school Valmy . And we know that it lasts for 20 years. We do not intend to let the minister's inaction before Vincent Peillon become the operating rule of Education .

Our children do not come to school to be threatened of agression, or be beaten
by protected teachers.

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